AUSTRALIA - International Students PART 3

What conditions must be met to qualify for an Australian student visa?

If you want to apply for a student visa under category 500, you must:


  • Be already registered for a course of study in Australia and submit documentation proving your enrollment with your application;
  • If you are a school student, you must be at least 6 years old;
  • Unless excluded, maintain "Overseas Student Health Cover" (OSHC);
  • If you are less than 18, you must demonstrate that you have a "welfare arrangement";
  • If you already reside in Australia, you must possess a "eligible substantive visa";
  • Unless you are traveling to Australia to enroll in a recognized English language course or are otherwise exempt, you must meet the English language requirements;
  • Have enough money set out to cover your stay in Australia;
  • Be an actual temporary participant;
  • Meet the moral and physical standards; and
  • Have made arrangements to pay off any outstanding debts you may have to the Australian Government.